They’re everywhere, on campuses, schools, malls, street corners, at parties… You just cannot avoid them… It’s an iPod! The glowing white wires coming out of their ears signifies that they have an IPod and listening to music. It seems as if everyone has one, this could be because having your own personal selection of music by your side 24/7 is far too attractive to resist. So how does it impact on our everyday life? It allows listeners to listen to their favourite music on the go, wherever they are and the power to control how they feel and act towards themselves and others. There are negative concerns in terms of using an iPod and the positives were it can just be taken as a portable mp3 player that allows you to listen to music on the go.
So what are the negative effects of having an IPod? IPods can be a major deterrent in to having a conversation, some people even have a conversation while listening to their IPod, which is not a positive phenomenon for society. IPods make it easy for people to bring their personal spheres into a public space which preoccupies an individual so that they are no longer obligated to uncontrollable factors of everyday life, interactions between individuals are slowly diminishing because people are turning towards their technological devices such as an iPod.
So it brings me to what the positives are? IPod allows people to listen to another person’s music collection through iTunes, which provides a person with the insight of another user’s personality. Since iTunes sharing is between people on the same server it often means they are in close proximity with the potential of meeting. IPod can create tighter bonds between people in person and virtually. People are able to participate within the iPod community giving them a sense of belonging such as interactions between people in web rings, forums, the iTunes music store and other general websites discussing the iPod, and everything involved with it and lastly an iPod fills peoples ears everyday with music that makes them happy, it maintains a persons personal space and encourage self-expression.
Ipods have definately become a popular apparatus to have! They are useful in the sense that we can listen to our own choice of music when we have nothing else to do, but bad, like you said, in the way the are haulting communication. I sit in lectures and see little white wires run out of people's ears, there is an extend to which one can listen to their music! But I must say they are an amazing little creation.
iPods are an amazing technological device. It makes listening to music and watching video's easy and less complicated.
It is true that there are many negative effects of such a creation but you must not forget what an imoportant role music plays in society. Music has become a language of its own. I for one cannot live without my iPod!
an interesting and very informative post!Well done!
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